Candy Booze - Mars Vodka

Hey everyone! Jello shots are not the only interesting way to spice up your party. For example, you can take any candy and dissolve it in Vodka to create unique cocktail thanks to a great variety of candies.

There is a blog dedicated to these kind of recipes - And here is a guest post from the guy behind that blog - Mars and Vodka - gonna try as well :)


In interesting fact about Mars (the planet) is that no human could survive the low pressure of the surface. If you went to Mars without an appropriate space suit, the oxygen in your blood would literally turn into bubbles, causing immediate death. The planet Mars was named after the Roman God of War.

Mars Vodka Drink

The chocolate bar is named after Frank C. Mars's last name. The God of War was named after this chocolate bar. Okay, that last part is a lie. Anyways I've decided to take a mini Mars bar under my wing for an alcoholic experiment.

Mars Vodka Drink

So we have to get rid of the wrapper to show off it's naked body. Isn't it glorious? Just like ebony, and irovy, living in perfect harmony.

Mars Vodka Drink

But I had my doubts of the alcohol being able to eat through the chocolate quickly, so I cut it up into several pieces.

Mars Vodka Drink

To the bath house with them!

Mars Vodka Drink

Now it's timy to bathe them... Bathe them like the Gods.

Mars Vodka Drink

It takes a long time for the chocolate to break down. The nugget breaks down quickly, along with the caramel (which we have seen from previous experiments). Here I decided to start stiring it with a butter knife, and crushing up any of the clumps. This was at the two week mark, and I was starting to get impatient.  

Mars Vodka Drink

After three weeks it is completely done. As this was a scaled adventure, it should work quite similar on a larger scale. Because it took quite a long time (three weeks), I have to knock it down a bit on the score card. How much though? Just a single point. The drink itself tastes quite like a Mars bar, and if you like that, that's a great thing. Luckily I do, so it earns a top mark. 

Mars Bar Vodka: 4/5 

 If you would like to check out more candy and alcohol creations, check out